Skyways Daewoo Bus Service i Rawalpindi

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PakistanSkyways Daewoo Bus Service


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IJ Principal Rd, Faizabad, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, Punjab 46000, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92
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Latitude: 33.6616839, Longitude: 73.0833274

kommentar 5

  • Sohail Tariq

    Sohail Tariq


    A very poor service, From Islamabad,rawalpindi to khanewal, multan. Fares are equal to luxury buses but they stopped more than an hour at motorway chowk. Driver doesn’t know how to talk with passengers.

  • MelloW Jan

    MelloW Jan


    A service of LIES.. BUS NUMBER was LES 1 I gt 3 tickets FROM PINDI TO GUJRANWALA from their office.. Waited in waiting hall.. it was good but with no a.c... No sockets to charge mobile.. Bt this bus was different from other skyways.. I was told by ticketing office tht fr cities on G.T road this kind of bus is hired. Driver wore no uniform, no hostess.. no food... Was told tht bus wl start at 10.. It left terminal at 11.. Every nimko seller was allowed to enter bus.. Every local passenger / student ws allowed to sit in. N they were charged 20 rupees.. Bus stopped after every 10 minutes fr pick n drop.. A.c was turned off after 30 minutes.. Driver n conductor smoked alot.. A vulgar indian movie was played.. At 1 o'clock reached jehlum.. I left bus. It was unbearable.. SHAME ON U SKYWAYS FOR hiring this kind of temporary service fr small cities... BY NO MEANS, travel from skways from PINDI to GUJRANWALA.. Zero points ..

  • en



    better if some one can add details about this transport facility along with fare / charges, this will be helpful for new comers. a simple picture from board with route and bus departure timing can be very helpful. people have already added thier detailed personal experiences. thanks

  • Engr. Rizwan

    Engr. Rizwan


    168 reviews but the basic information (contact number) is missing. Nobody bothered yet may be. Buses are good but management services severely needs improvements

  • Moeen Meraj

    Moeen Meraj


    Rushy Place but buses are good for big cities like Lahore, Karachi and Peshawar. Fare is affordable.

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