Rawal Lake Park i Islamabad

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PakistanRawal Lake Park



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Lake Park Road, Islamabad, Islamabad, PK Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.7142179, Longitude: 73.1320372

kommentar 5

  • Aftab Rafiq

    Aftab Rafiq


    Well maintained family park. Birds aviary, boating, stalls and many more. If you approach islamabad and didnt visit there, in fact you missed a gem of islamabad. Along with must visit the shakkar parian park. Which is near to this. A perfect islamabad visit contains this park, shakkar parian park and daman e koh. After this if you can spend a levish amount on food then must take a visit to peer suhawa and have dinner from.monal.

  • Junaid Hassan

    Junaid Hassan


    A fantastic day trip. BBQ is a must here!

  • en

    Farhan Ahmed


    Absolutely disgusting toilets. Not maintained or cleaned properly. Cracks in the floor, walls and sinks. They charge 20rs to use dirty toilets.

  • DoctorMuhammad HassaanAmjad

    DoctorMuhammad HassaanAmjad


    The lake provides the best views of sunset and sunrise. To fully enjoy, take a boat and ride towards the far end of lake while watching the sun go down. Serene!!!! The park is truly recreational for all ages and especially for kids with mini zoo and aviaries that other than being fun, is also informational. Camel ride, horse riding, bughy add to the taste. The one thing went wrong is cut down of several trees that makes it look more of a ground than park. The hygiene of the food stalls is highly questionable and prices peaking. All in all, a perfect picnic point for families.

  • Irfan Nazir

    Irfan Nazir


    Nice park. Good place to spend time and play with family. Kids love it

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