Qaiseri Gate i Faisalabad

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PakistanQaiseri Gate



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Circular Rd, Rail Bazar, Qadimi Shehr, Faisalabad, Punjab, Clock Tower, Faisalabad, Punjab, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92
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Latitude: 31.4189256, Longitude: 73.0839451

kommentar 5

  • Ijaz Bloach

    Ijaz Bloach


    The only gate of Faisalabad leading to rail bazaar. It was built in last decade of nineteenth century. Famous Gumti Chowk on rail bazaar is just outside the gate on railway road. Gumti also is an old structure, perhaps a shelter for traffic wardons. Gumti chowk is central square of the city.

  • Hassan Munawar

    Hassan Munawar


    It is one of the beautiful gate in Faisalabad. Its part of rich history of Faisalabad.

  • en

    rai ali raza bhatti


    Its Rail Bazar exit so its one way. No entry from this side is allowed, you can only walk through this.

  • Shahbaz Ashraf

    Shahbaz Ashraf


    Qaiseri Gate (قیصری دروازہ) near Ghumti Chowk (گمٹی چوک) is one of the historical sites in the city. This gate leads to the Rail Bazaar (one of the eigh bazaars of the historical Clock Tower). These sites are the relics of the British Era and are well preserved till date.

  • shahid mehmood

    shahid mehmood


    The Qaisery Gate was the gate into the eight markets with the Faisalabad Clock Tower at the centre. It was built in 1897 under the commission of the British Raj in modern Faisalabad, Punjab. he gate is directly in front of the Faisalabad Gumti in the older part of the city. The gate and the Gumti is located on Railway Road,

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