Park Lane Hotel i Lahore

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PakistanPark Lane Hotel


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107 M. M. Alam Road، Block B3 Block B 3 Gulberg III, Lahore, Punjab 54000, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92 42 111 111 124
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Latitude: 31.503543, Longitude: 74.349416

kommentar 5

  • Sumbal Khan

    Sumbal Khan


    Very clean and beautiful building. Located near to market.. Walking distance from liberty market.. Good food

  • en

    abdul ncba


    Lunch Buffet is not up to the mark!very little parking place in front of Hotel however valet parking is good!!interior of hotel is beutifull ,neat and clean atmosphere Room are good but rate is high!!! Recommended for families to stay!!!But go outside for lunch and dinner!

  • Ivan Gerginov

    Ivan Gerginov


    Overall good hotel. Rooms and bathrooms are clean fairly well maintained. There are two things I did not like. Room service food is tasteless, and the massage quality is far below par.

  • Haaris Ali

    Haaris Ali


    Good hotel. I haven't stayed here so I can't really comment on rooms. The Chinese buffet was great. The lobby Cafe serves good coffee. Very good service.

  • Waqas Khwaja

    Waqas Khwaja


    It's a newly built hotel with good interior and ambiance. However one of the major problem is of parking issue as only 2 to 3 vehicles can be parked on the front. Hence it's too difficult at times to pick up someone from the hotel. Otherwise it has good service standard at the moment

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