Kachnar Park i Islamabad

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PakistanKachnar Park



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I 8/3 I-8, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92
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Latitude: 33.6701923, Longitude: 73.0817259

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jhony Ricky


    Pakistani people coming in public places or parks need to learn civil sense before coming to a beauty of nature, which their future generations may not enjoy if they keep acting like low lives lunatics not respecting the boundaries to protect the sanctity of nature preserving parks like kachnar in Islamabad...one and only so far full of natural beauty. Stop exterminating plants/flowers by running motorbikes over them or by ruining beautiful eye catching 'kachnar' trees for their insatiable hunger 'greed' by picking unbloomed flowers and pulling/breaking branches or climbing over them ... breaking and extortion of plants isnt answer to your hunger or deprivity. Learn to Respect yourself, nature, public goods and your country, like you do for your home and family. Not every thing public needs to be acquired destroyed or occupied for your petty brain/gains...capturing land in park for your house/office parking/using foot paths in front of your home by building fences around ....how much you want for yourself if one kanal land isn't enough for your inner demonic urge not leave one inch of which is not yours!...learn from Civilization in west...... rethink and relearn your values and beliefs ...may be you have been taught wrong! THINK....

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    Tauqir Mirza


    A well maintained park. A good place for jogging. People living in I-8 are lucky to have this park . Thanks to Kachnar Park friends along with CDA who are making a good effort to maintain it. Their effort is much appreciated.

  • en

    jawad qazi


    Kachnar park is one of beautiful park of islamabad. Specially people of Kachnar park know how to keep clean it. I like it much when i cross faizabad because of it's nature beauty.

  • shan ghouri

    shan ghouri


    the best place for jogging and refreshment. Especially the greenery surrounding make us feel calm!!

  • Ammaar Malik

    Ammaar Malik


    It's quite, deep and covered with old trees. Benches and seatings are awesome. I often go there with a book or dairy to write something up. 😍

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