Islamabad Zoo i Islamabad

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PakistanIslamabad Zoo



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Pir Sohawa Road، Saidpur, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory 54000, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92 300 4545686
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Latitude: 33.7336617, Longitude: 73.0593436

kommentar 5

  • Abdul kalam

    Abdul kalam


    The zoo started in 1978 as a refuge for leopards, spotted deer, and Indian gazelle found in the region, and is administered by Capital Development Authority of Pakistan. Located in the feet of Margalla hill. It soon gained popularity and became a part of the Japanese garden. An aviary was later constructed. The Capital Development Authority devised a plan in August 2008 to upgrade and extend the zoo as a recreational area and wildlife sanctuary. The estimated cost of the project is 1407.8 million Pakistani rupees

  • ZHK Blue Rose

    ZHK Blue Rose


    Good place for children enjoyment.. But I think children park (near with Zoo) is more enjoyable for children.. 😂 Now a days kids watch television from 1 year they watch cartoons so they have no more interest in different kinds of animals to watch..... So my idea is to visit more park and fun house for children. ......

  • Raza Gondal

    Raza Gondal


    Nice small zoo. May be improved. There may be extra layer of glass after fence of elephant 'Kavan' to avoid people's contact. People feed him sugar cane which is not good for his sugar level. It was very nice to see him without chains this time.

  • shahid Abbas

    shahid Abbas


    The zoo started in 1978 as a refuge for leopards, spotted deer, and Indian gazelle found in the region, and is administered by Capital Development Authority of Pakistan. Located in the feet of Margalla hill. It soon gained popularity and became a part of the Japanese garden. An aviary was later constructed. The Capital Development Authority devised a plan in August 2008 to upgrade and extend the zoo as a recreational area and wildlife sanctuary. The estimated cost of the project is 1407.8 million Pakistani rupees.

  • Umar Dar

    Umar Dar


    It's a fun place to be. For instance, children like it very much when they feed the ducks with pop corn in the start and then feed sugarcane to the elephant. Though they charge 10 rupees for each sugarcane, but the immense pleasure children get is worth it. The second attractive thing is the dinosaur Park. They have created life size dinosaurs and given the basic info regarding each dinosaur. Wear and tear is an issue, but generally it's good. Camel and horse ride is a new attraction.

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