Al-Syed Communication i-8 Markaz i Islamabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PakistanAl-Syed Communication i-8 Markaz



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I-8 Markaz I 8 Markaz I-8, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92 344 5777710
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6667307, Longitude: 73.0735381

kommentar 5

  • Adeel Khalidkhan

    Adeel Khalidkhan


    Good people nice shopping.

  • en

    mano saira


    The only outlet in Islamabad where you can get huge variety of mobiles, computers and accessories along with other gadgets, all under one roof. Must visit. Awesome enviornment

  • Numan Malik

    Numan Malik


    One of the best places to shop in Islamabad if you are looking for gadgets or anything IT Related, excellent prices and service is out-standing. Everyone at the counter knows how to provide the quality service and do listen the customer, i have been a regular customer not only because of their impressive rang of gadgets but more of how genuine the staff and owner is. Keep up the good work.

  • en

    zaheer sadiq


    Best outlet in i-8 with all items related to mobiles and computers. Must visit. Huge variety and very cooperative staff.

  • en

    Faakhir Malik


    Wonderful i gave my LG G5 for reparing which have charging problem and they fix it perfectly in just 2 hours...most suggested phone and accessories shop in sector i-8 islamabad.

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