UK Visa Application Centre i Islamabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PakistanUK Visa Application Centre



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Sadiq Plaza, Rohtas Road, G-9 Markaz G 9 Markaz G-9, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92 900 078 60
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6878053, Longitude: 73.0323786

kommentar 5

  • en

    Khalifa Mohammed


    Welcome I want information about the uk common visa Tell 1 step please how we'll do that?

  • Abdul Rehman Nasir

    Abdul Rehman Nasir


    My name is Nasir Awan. I am an Overseas Pakistani. I do very hard work with my father in Saudi Arabia. With all of my worth I purchased a piece of land in Gujrat Pakistan. When I came back a powerful Land Mafia was sitting on my land. I knocked at the doors of Institutes and Courts but they didn't listen my voice. That's why I am protesting in the front of Press Club Islamabad with my 5 sons since 4 months 10 days. The Land Mafia is very dangerous. They have given me many threads That's why the Punjab Police gives me to guards to protect me and my family. The age of my sons is between 6 and 16. My all worth is 150 millions which is loss in this country that's why want to like to come your country. Can I claim Asylum from your country. You can my facebook timeline Nasir Awan Gujrat ​

  • en

    Hassan Jamil


    I applied for UK Student Visa. Process was easy. Modes of payment are Cash and Credit Card. Do note that you can't pay with debit. There's definitely a huge need for parking as there's a limited space which is often occupied by car maintenance shops and visa consultants nearby. Photocopier is also available in the centre. Service is satisfactory but certainly a room for improvement. You get served on time because of ticket system. They also provide SMS facility so you get to know your visa status but I found it useless because I received my visa and after 3 days I got notified that my visa has arrived. Emailing them in case of any information is also useless because you won't get a reply so a phone call is your best option.

  • en

    Shakeel Shinwari


    I applied for austria visa more than a month ago but still i did not recieved any response from embessy or visa center what should i do next how i contact to embessy or visa center ...suggest me their email or contact number ?...i need your help please ...thanks

  • rezaabbasy



    I had to submit my passport for a visa to Canada. Very efficient system. It took 15 minutes total. Cell phones not allowed in the building.

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