Orchid (kachnar) Park کچنار پارک i Islamabad

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PakistanOrchid (kachnar) Park کچنار پارک



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Service Road East, Islamabad, Islamabad, PK Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92
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Latitude: 33.6740899, Longitude: 73.078763

kommentar 5

  • en

    Arshad Zaman Khan


    Nice and peaceful Park for Kachnar lovers. Kachnar is a tasty vegetable and it's flowers are beautiful. The park is green with walking/jogging trail for early morning or afternoon exercisers.

  • Ejaz Hussain

    Ejaz Hussain


    It's a great place for jogging. The people of the community are so nice and so caring. There are always one or two volunteer collecting the litters. The tracks are good, one for jogging, one for cycling. Overall, it's beautiful, green and peaceful.

  • Sana Jamal

    Sana Jamal


    Best place for walking, jogging and cycling. The tracks with lovely trees all around you will make your day. Kachnar Park, located in between the sector I-8 and the Islamabad highway, stretches over almost 1.5 km. The park has 2 tracks for jogging and cycling. It also has an outdoor gymnastics facility. Recently, a group of active citizens who call themselves 'Friends of Kachnar Park' are sending a powerful message to the community by cleaning and renovating the park along with city administration. This initiative has turned the park ever more beautiful and attract many visitors

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    Saleh Marjan


    It is a very good park for I8 sector. I enjoy my daily walk in it for perfection. I hope with the proposed ongoing renovation, it will attract more and more public. Good park to say the least.

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    irfan afzal


    It is good but the problem is that some people are playing here and there and throws their cricket ball on peoples who are walking there they are afraid during their walk that may the ball isn't them and same way some young boys playing football and disturbing other peoples. I saw some peoples are walking with their dogs. I think this is very annoying for other peoples. If it is for walking tracks then please not allow to those peoples who are want to do any other activities there. Thanks.

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