Motorway Police Driving Licencing Authority i Islamabad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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PakistanMotorway Police Driving Licencing Authority



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H-8/2 H 8/2 H-8, Islamabad, Islamabad Capital Territory, Pakistan
kontakter telefon: +92 51 9250449
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.6847488, Longitude: 73.0610853

kommentar 5

  • Javed Malik

    Javed Malik


    Good organisd police.

  • Zahoor Ahmad

    Zahoor Ahmad


    A good team of professionals and all services at one desk with ease

  • Osama Abbasi

    Osama Abbasi


    Very organised.

  • en

    Omer Idrees


    The best DMV authority in the world ! And that, folks, is a genuine compliment. I've been to the various Florida DMV locations, Toronto MTO, Quebec SAAQ, Jeddah DLA, and no place comes close to the professionalism, politeness and courtesy that the employees here exhibit. Additionally, the place is exceptionally clean and the DLA accepts anyone from Pakistan as opposed to the F8 office, which is only for ICT CNIC holders. The process is straight forward; you will - register - verify your personal credentials - eye exam (to make sure you aren't blind!) - digital signature And then off you go for the theory computer based test, which is tough because you can only get 1 wrong in the signage test and 3 in the theory. They give you a booklet to study (400) questions!!! After which, you do an obstacle course type test and then finally is a road test done very professionally and you are videotaped for record keeping purposes. Note that if you don't have a stick-shift (manual transmission), this will be mentioned as a handicap on your license. The only advantage of having a foreign license is that they exempt you from the 42 day wait time as a learner. But take a test, you must. God speed and God bless

  • Amanat Ali

    Amanat Ali


    It is a very nice place and the staff here is very helpful. One can easily apply for an learner or a new driving license in different categories. This office has also information desk where staff guide in a proper manner. And they also try to give full information of the queries.

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